Toritan: Birds Of A Feather

Birdsong starts sounding like a love song when bird whisperer Inusaki meets a crow that sounds oddly like a handsome young man he knows! Inusaki can communicate with birds—and some of them are real jerks! Tired of the incessant chatter, he spends most of his day tuning them out. That is until the day he meets an intriguing and strangely handsome crow he just canosquo;t get off his mind! Ever since he was a child, private detective Inusaki has had the unenviable talent of being able to communicate with birds. And even though heesquo;s never liked birds, he somehow ends up getting his heart broken by one! Conveniently there to pick up the pieces, though, is his landladyosquo;s son, Mitsuru, whose voice sounds suspiciously like that of the fowl heartbreaker, Kuro. And itwsquo;s not long before Mitsuru confesses his feelings to the clueless detective, even landing a quick peck. Will Inusaki the private dick ever stop brooding long enough to get a clue?

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