
The tale of three Tokyo teenagers who cross through a magical portal and become the champions of another world is a modern manga classic. This box set includes three volumes of manga covering the entire series of Magic Knight Rayearth Part Two, plus the series's super-rare full-color art book companion, all printed at a larger size than ever before, on premium paper featuring a newly-revised translation and lettering, and exquisite foil-stamped covers. A strictly limited edition, this will be gone in a flash!

Magi, Vol. 33$17.99Add to cart
Magi, Vol. 32$17.99Read more
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Magi, Vol. 30$17.99Add to cart
Magi, Vol. 29$17.99Add to cart
Magi, Vol. 28$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 27$17.99Add to cart
Magi, Vol. 26$17.99Add to cart
Magi, Vol. 25$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 24$17.99Add to cart
Magi, Vol. 23$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 22$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 21$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 20$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 19$17.99Add to cart
Magi, Vol. 18$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 17$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 16$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 15$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 14$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 13$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 12$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 11$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 10$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 9$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 8$17.99Add to cart
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Magi, Vol. 6$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 5$17.99Add to cart
Magi, Vol. 4$17.99Read more
Magi, Vol. 3$17.99Add to cart
Magi, Vol. 2$17.99Add to cart
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